july 14 2024

It's been a while! I'll start using proper punctuation on my website since I realized it's better for accessibility. I have quite a few life updates for whoever happens to read this.

I got a gym membership, which turned out to be a great idea. I feel so much stronger both physically and mentally. I kind of fell off of working out at school, and I should remind myself that it isn't a negotiable activity. Seeing other people there motivates me so much!!! Chappell Roan makes amazing gym music. I tried to resist getting into her songs because she is very popular right now, but I had to embrace that the fun lesbian pop speaks to me. I think I feel happier overall lately because I've finally got some of my health problems under control. They started to become a huge obstacle, especially when I needed to go to fencing practice. I am so grateful that I got some specialist advice.

Also, I've been trying to take more time to reflect on my emotions through journaling. When I stopped believing I needed to journal perfectly, it's become a simple tool I use whenever I need it. I've noticed things people say that trigger me, and writing affirmations about myself has helped me stay confident through those tough moments. Journaling is going to really help when I have to think of what to write for vet school essays!

I recently tried burfi/barfi from a local Indian market and it was incredible! It wasn't too sweet. The milk and sugar create a delightful grainy, soft texture that reminds me of kinetic sand. It satisfied the longing I had for this one wagashi I had at a traditional matcha house. I've been looking for something similar for years! I have a tendency to be obsessed with milk-based Indian sweets, based on my other love for kheer. Random food review: over!

My summer has mostly been my internship, going to the gym, and doing Art Fight. It's nice to have time to draw again! Drawing people's original characters lets me experiment more. I'm working on uploading my attacks to my site as I go, and I'll get to adding drawings from past years later on. I think distancing myself from social media has improved my health since I replace the scrolling dopamine rush with exercise (which I was lacking a lot before!). I still have quite a few socials, but I don't use them very often since I'm so busy. Being on my puter should spark joy :3 If you're still reading this, I hope your computer use makes you happy, too.

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